ASOP - Digital Products
For Students
By Students
I am an independent developer/student, that'll help students & teachers get products for cheap!
About Us
Academy of Software and Operation Professional
By students, for students. Founded in 2025, ASOP is a digital seller that'll sell educational resources for cheap
See our productsCheap E-Books
As Many students need books to read for improving a skill or two, we offer many cheap e-books, some as low as 500ks per book.
Cheap Templates
We Offer various Templates for students to help with presentation, projects, research papers, as such.
Cheap AI Prompts
As AI gain popularity, student need to ultilize AI to help them study, solve problems, be productive.
Cheap Digital Products
We sell many other digital products! we are considered one of the cheapest digital product seller in Burma, Myanmar.
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We provide productivity tools!
As we are for students by students, we believe that being productive is one of the best starting point on becoming an A* Student.
See our Products page for more information
- Get straight A*
- Get work done faster
- Cheap Prices

Better a skill for CHEAP!
See our Products page for more information
Our cheap E-books in various languages will help students better a skill.
We offer many E-books for cheap, for bulk buy, please get in contact with us.
Reading can improve many skills. such as writing & understanding the language. Students should read a book every week to help improve skills.

AI prompts are a necessary!
As the growth of AI, students must ultilize them! Using AI prompts will generate better results & help students understand an topic!
- AI will generate better outputs.
- AI will help students understand topics clearly
Frequently Asked Questions
View our Frequently Asked Questions, please contact us, if you have any other questions.
To see our full FAQ please visit Our Docs Page
How are payments made?
We prefer KBZ (special) account bank to bank transfer, or using mbanking. Although we are working on getting WavePay & Kpay working, the only option is bank transfer.
We will send you the payment methods, once the invoice is given.
How will i download the resource material after i make the payment
The resource materials will be given to you via a link. You do need to wait up to 24 hour to recieve the materials as the powercuts don't allow us to work full time!
How does our invoicing system work?
We will invoice you after you get in contact with us and explictly mention the product you want to buy. The invoice will include a reference number in which you can use to track your order & to get a refund if applicable.

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